Review code-commits by Engineering staff


AI code-reviewer that your Engineers can use to pre-review their code changes and gain feedback and advice before merging them into your main codebase.

This is part of a larger project I’m working on with others to build more advanced, AI-augmented, Learning-and-Development / Professional-Development solutions for Software Engineers. Our goal is to help individuals (humans) improve their craft of writing software – going from “Junior Engineer” to “Senior Engineer” to “Staff Engineer” to “Principal Engineer” (and increasing their salary as they go!).

If you want to learn more, email me / contact me via LinkedIn:

Try it for free

Here’s the Custom GPT (requires a free OpenAI/ChatGPT account) – give it a PullRequest (see below for instructions on how to export this from GitHub etc) of code you’ve written and see what happens:

NB: if you don’t want to use your own codebase, you can use any of the millions of free open-source projects instead. e.g. here is a Pull Request (raw: for a change made to the opensource SVGKit repository earlier this year – download the file, then when the CustomGPT asks for the PR, attach this file and it will use it:

Usage / Importing your own code-commits


Create a Pull Request as normal in GitHub (either via web or the desktop tools), giving you something like this:

Get the ‘raw’ JSON PR by tweaking the URL

  1. Convert “” to “”
  2. Convert “/commit/” to “/commits/”

…which looks like this:

Finally, find the section of the JSON beginning:

"files": [

… and copy/paste everything from there to the end of the JSON into a new file, e.g. “my_patch.txt”. Upload/attach this file when using the CustomGPT.

NOTE: ChatGPT doesn’t care that you’ll be uploading invalid JSON (e.g. if you miss a “[” or a “}” etc) – there’s no need to correct the syntax of the JSON fragment before saving/uploading it.

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